Tips For Long-term Weight Loss

Tips For Long-term Weight Loss

The Body’s Metabolism Is Like A Furnace Ever wonder why most diets fail in the run run? Why after losing a good amount of weight, it is so hard to keep it off? Well, the body is super efficient at keeping your body as close as possible to it’s “set-point” as possible....
Eating Less Calories Is Not A Good Weight Loss Plan

Eating Less Calories Is Not A Good Weight Loss Plan

Why the obsession with calories? According to Dr. Fung in the “Obesity Code”, we were not always obsessed with calories. This is quite a new phenomena, however, never in history have we had such a problem with obesity. So why now? Even in times of abundance, people...
My Unhealthy Relationship With Food

My Unhealthy Relationship With Food

I had an unhealthy relationship with food. It started in my teens and did not catch up with me until I hit 40. When I tried to diet, I was hungry and obsessed over food. All the time! When I exercised, I was even hungrier. Not sure about you, but I stopped wanting to...
How to lose fat, not muscle!

How to lose fat, not muscle!

The Key to More Muscle and Less Fat Metabolic flexibility is the ability to switch between fuel sources, seamlessly without a change in performance. If you are not able to burn fat, you will have trouble dropping fat and getting lean. This can also be an indicator of...